Jimmy Nicholson
My favorite part about living in Spirit River is the sense of family and community I feel. Growing up an only child, my friends became my brothers and sisters, and their parents became parents of mine. From 2011 to 2020,
I am forever thankful to have always been welcomed home. It was just two years ago when I began to consider moving back to Spirit River, and now that I've been back for a while, I know that I made the best decision for me. Spirit River is and always will be home, so I thank you, my core family.
My favorite things to do include reading, practicing yoga, and playing any type of recreational sport. During the Christmas holidays, my favorite part is watching the World Junior Hockey Championship with the boys and playing shinny at the arena or outdoor rink. I'm a 4th line grinder at heart, but recently I've taken on a new challenge as a goalie in rec hockey. I hope to improve enough in order to solidify my spot in the line up next year as the starting goalie for the Pelicans.
My mom and I shared a passion for music, which began with piano at the age of 7. At the age of 12, I told my mom that I couldn't play piano anymore if I wanted to be a professional hockey player! I'm glad she didn't let me off too easily because I eventually found my passion for playing drums. After high school band, the only drums I played was on Rock Band, which would always remind me of and be my opportunity to reconnect with my mom who passed in 2011. I am thrilled to be playing regularly again and am excited to see how my passion for music unfolds.

In order for me to be the best version of myself for you, learning is and always will be a top priority.
Learning about you and how to better communicate with you. Learning about relevant topics outside of the fitness industry norm. Learning from the best in various industries so that I can provide you with the best. Because you deserve it!
Contact Me
Jimmy Nicholson
Facebook - @J4Performance
Instagram - @j4_performance